Welcome to my portfolio, a diverse collection showcasing my journey in visual FX, graphic design, photography, and video editing. While not a professional in these fields, each piece in this collection reflects my personal evolution and passion for capturing and creating memorable moments. This portfolio also charts my growth as a production coordinator, a path I embarked on through my studies in visual effects. From casual interests to dedicated hobbies, and now a fervent passion project, the works presented here are windows into my life, seen and shaped through my lens and creativity.
My journey as a Production Coordinator while studying Advanced Visual FX
with Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU). 

It also includes some of the projects that I've worked on
while learning Compositing, Lighting and FX. 
Three aspects that highlight my portfolio, the first is my personal collection. This consists of my captured moments through my travels in the Philippines and around Asia, expressed through creative shots and compiled video edits that sum up my trip.
The second aspect is my Volunteer work. This is categorized into two parts, my activity with JCI Manila a non-profit leadership organization and with my church community where we focus on community service.
 My VOLUNTEER work is a compilation of various posters for specific projects which were used as marketing collaterals. It also contains video edits that are used, to sum up, the goals and accomplishments once that specific project has ended. Most of these videos are used to present and sum up the organization's various community and environmental development projects. 
Lastly, the Freelance aspect is a recent addition to my growing attachment to multimedia arts and design. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I opened myself to helping out friends in their business ventures. I offered to create simple concept designs for their business ventures and also create marketing collaterals which they can use in their social media marketing. ​​​​​​​

My family

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